Note: All courses and tabs have been transferred to the Academy and Story websites

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Asking questions and spending years looking for an answer?

You got me! I dived into academic research by joining the Pharmacist-Scientist Program at Paris Descartes University in 2009 and have not stopped since then.

My research focuses on infectious diseases agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and my favourite: parasites). I work on improving diagnostic strategies and pathogen clearance monitoring by using multi-omic approaches. This allows me to study host-pathogen interaction during infection course.

All my publications are linked in the publication tab and available full text upon request.


I have been teaching at the academic level since 2009, when I volunteered for teaching 'catch up' courses for high school student attending the first year of health studies (sanctioned by a highly competitive exam) to access Pharmacy and Medical school in Paris, France.

During my PhD, i worked as a teaching assistant (TA) for the 2nd year Pharmacy program study section and lab classes in analytical chemistry and physic chemistry.

I also thrive in translating my research in the community through outreach events in schools and community centres.

Teaching in various settings and with a diverse body of students fostered my teaching philosophy. My goal is to create an engaging, respectful and empowering learning environment to share my passion and knowledge.

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Equity Advocate

At the Academic institution level, I was an elected PhD student representative for the FAGE national student union in the Research council at Paris Descartes University, and an elected Union Executive Officer for the Post Doctoral Association at the University of Calgary for three years.

Towards Gender Equity

Since 2021, I am the co-leader for the International and Immigrant Women in Science (IWS) chapter in Calgary, Canada. With my co-leader, I provide support, workshops, and resources to our members.

I am particularly involved in Gender equality/Equity issues and contributed to gender equality strategy drafting. Here are four steps I recommend to improve Gender Equality for graduate students and postdocs.


Health Professional

I graduated from Paris Descartes University PharmD program almost 10 years ago !

As a Pharmacist, i worked in France in community pharmacy settings, performed hospital rotation (part of the externat training year). I also worked as a registered Pharmacist in the French National Malaria Reference Centre, monitoring imported malaria cases and treatment efficacy in patients.

I am currently working towards my professional Pharmacy license in Canada.

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